10 of Our Favorite Dad Jokes That Make the Best Photo Book Captions

by Pete

Your dad is probably the strongest man you know. So why does he have the softest, corniest comebacks? He might honestly think he’s funny. More likely, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you. And it works every time. You get embarrassed or frustrated. Yet, you secretly love his dad jokes. In fact, you love them so much that you want to humor Dad’s humor.

Enter: the Father’s Day photo book. Using dad jokes for photo book captions, you’ll create a gift that speaks his language. 

The Top 10 Dad Jokes to Use as Photo Book Captions

There are millions of dad jokes. But not all of them make for funny captions in a photo book. Remember, it's best to match the caption to the photo. A sometimes tricky and time-consuming task. So we’ve narrowed down the options for you. Below are the top 10 dad jokes that pair perfectly with your favorite dad memories. 

Pair your dad-themed jokes with a picture of three generations of fathers and sons.

1.   “I like telling Dad jokes. Sometimes, he laughs.”

There’s no better dad joke than the one that references dad jokes. Punctuation is everything with this one, though. Be mindful that the word ‘Dad’ is capitalized. That tells you it’s a proper noun. Put another way, the joke is about grandpa.

Adding a picture of multiple generations is a great way to kick off your collection of father photos. At the very least, use a picture of your dad and his dad. But the more generations you can get, the more meaningful it will be.  

2.   “I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me.”

This one’s for their beloved beards, mustaches, and goatees. These are always easy targets for a joke. Besides, men truly cherish their facial hair. Even if he’s currently clean-shaven, dig up some dirt. Find a photo of Dad with his curly edged mustache. The more posed it is, the better. Think graduation portraits or a headshot from his younger days. If he currently has facial hair, choose an image from before it all grew in; bonus if the picture includes his father or grandfather with facial hair of their own. That’ll really get some laughs.

3.   “I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.”

Is your dad a scientist, teacher, or book worm? This photo book caption has to make the cut. It’s funny but also educational. What a classic dad combo! Speaking of combining things, the photo pairing is simple. Take a picture of Dad reading a book, magazine, or newspaper. This doesn't have to be posed. A fun candid shot may pair well with the joke. Think outside the box.

4.   “If you see a crime at an Apple Store, does that make you an iWitness?”

Your eyes are probably rolling into the back of your head right now. But hear us out. As cringe-worthy as this joke is, it’s also flexible. You can interpret the caption literally by pairing it with a photo of Dad using his Apple Device. Or, think outside the box. Try including a text thread with your dad. Choose a conversation that’s either extremely embarrassing or surprisingly sentimental. Your call. Just take a simple screenshot and save it to your Apple photos.

Combine a funny photo book caption with a pic of kids doodling on Dad while he sleeps.

5.   “I’m so good at sleeping, I do it with my eyes closed.”

You kids wear him out. No wonder Dad loves to nap. Think of all the times he has fallen asleep in his recliner. If you haven’t already, this is your chance to snag a photo of Dad dozing off. Does he drool a little bit? Zoom in. Make this a funny memory.

6.   “I play soccer just for kicks.”

Almost everyone has a memory of playing ball in the backyard. If it wasn't soccer simply adjust the punny caption to fit. Here are some alternatives:

  • “I play football for kicks and tackles.”
  • “I play golf so I don’t ‘puts’ around the house.”
  • “Tennis really serves me well.”
  • “My love for skiing is a slippery slope.”

This is one of the more obvious photo book captions. Simply add a photo of you and Dad playing sports, watching sports, or celebrating a big win together. Alternatively, use a shot of just your dad in action.

7.   “I could tell a joke about pizza, but it’s a little cheesy.”

Cheesy is the cornerstone of dad jokes. And this one takes the cake…er, pie. Note: this photo book caption is specifically for pizza lovers. Pair it with a photo of Dad biting into a slice. Mid-bite is perfect timing. Or, take a pic of Dad’s best-rated pizza. Just be ready to hand over the real thing when his mouth starts watering.

8.   “I made a pencil with two erasers. It was pointless.”

Dad isn't just a paper pusher. He works hard every day. And his role in your family is far from pointless. He would sacrifice anything for the ones he loves. Give him the recognition he deserves with an endearing photo. Maybe it’s him holding you as a baby. Or it could be a happy family photo. Follow your heart on this one.

Include a pic of Dad drinking coffee with his son in your Father’s Day photo book.

9.   “What did the coffee report to the police? A mugging.”

Fun fact: parents run on caffeine. Think about how many cups of coffee your dad guzzles throughout the day. It’s hard to keep track. So that’s exactly why this photo book caption works. Celebrate his joy for java with a photo of Dad and his favorite mug. Don’t worry if it’s not the “best dad ever” mug you gave him last Father’s Day. This caption and image connection should be obvious.

10. Happy Father’s Day to a “reel” awesome dad!

Finish strong with the “father” of all photo book captions. Simply wish him a Happy Father’s Day. If Dad is a true fisherman, this caption will hook, line, and sink him. Add a photo of you two on the water, and watch his heart melt. If fishing isn’t his thing, no problem. Customize the message for your dad. Making him feel loved and appreciated is what’s important.

Turn Dad Jokes Into a Father’s Day Gift

All (dad) jokes aside, this collection of memories makes for a beautiful Father’s Day photo book. Create this gift in minutes with the Motif app. Motif syncs with your macOS computer or iOS mobile device for a seamless experience. The app can generate a photo project for you. Its advanced technology selects only the images with optimal focus, clarity, and composition. Leaving you with all the fun customizations and dad-inspired photo book captions.



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